About Us
“I’ve achieved ‘the American dream.’ I feel it’s my duty to help others achieve their vision, too – especially the youth.”
– Joe Frazier
To Help Families
Achieve the American Dream.
Tradeline Works is a leader in consumer and business credit marketing services. We support clients in more than 30 states in the United States. We strive to promote equal credit opportunity by making buying tradelines a viable option that’s open to everyone.
It is our responsibility to empower buyers to understand and responsibly use credit in their financial lives, and to assist sellers in earning an additional income by helping others increase their credit score. We are devoted to helping main street families.
We are the emerging leader in the tradeline industry. By learning from the old ways of doing things, eliminating the bad and the ugly, and innovating on the good, we’ve been able to bootstrap our way to success and pass the cost savings to customers.

Our Discovery
“What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal. Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours.” ― Albert Pike
Our Founder has a degree in Computer Science and a minor in Business from the University of Wyoming. In her senior year in college, she was the only student not majoring in business to get selected to meet with the business tycoon, Warren Buffett. That experience changed her life and years later when friends, family, and the community come to her for financial advice, she still lives with the same principles. From thousands of money conversations with families, Tradeline Works was born.
Our Mission
“My assignment is to take my situation and to use it to help others who feel hopeless and/or helpless because of loss.” ― Marvin Sapp
Our mission is to level the financial and credit playing field for middle-class Americans to access financial solutions that have otherwise been historically denied for over four decades. Tradeline Works aims to be a champion of those who struggle with poor credit scores, helping them gain the knowledge and resource needed to excel.
Tradeline Works’ smart and straightforward platform that matches trusted sellers of good credit with those with lesser rated credit scores will help them do just that. You can think of us as the Airbnb for tradelines, renting and selling good credit tradelines as and when needed.
Our Values
“If you have much, give of your wealth; if you have little, give of your heart.” ― Arabian Proverb
At Tradeline Works, we adhere to our core values of honesty, trust, and reliability. We are not just playing with finances but people’s lives, and every aspect of our business need to remain legal and ethical. The services or solutions we offer to our customer goes through a rigorous process to ensure we’re putting our customer’s needs first. We value transparency and an open communication line so we can provide the best value in the tradeline space to those who need it the most.
Ready to increase your credit score?
Want to earn passive income helping others?
Numbers Speak For Themselves!
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